
Showing posts with label bead and button show. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bead and button show. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Favorite things heard at the show: OMG, I love your work & You're from Jersey, aren't you?

I thought I would sleep late today..and I couldn't or didn't or wouldn't...not sure which..I am just happy to be home. The Bead and Button Show is wonderful but the ride home is killer and I am glad that I only have to do this once a year.  The adrenaline is there on the way to the show but leaves the moment the show is over and that means the ride home is powered by just me..and "just me" was exhausted, but all is okay and I am here safe and sound.

The garden has doubled in size in just one week and Lulu has decided that she liked it better when it was just she and Hankster because when I got into bed last night Lulu jumped on Hanks chest with her head on his cheek and started speaking to him with her back to me.... I am now, the other woman in my own home.  Buddee cannot be bothered with anything and loves whoever-is-holding-the-food-bowl-at-the-moment, most.  I missed all three of them terribly while I was away.

The show was wonderful!  I want to Thank each and every one of you for coming to visit me,  for your generous purchases and for your genuine interest in my beads.  I am completely overwhelmed by the love and friendship bestowed upon me these last few days and I hope that what I feel for you comes through loud and clear and translates well from this very happy Jersey Girl!
Favorite things I heard at the show #1. OMG I love your work #2 You're from Jersey, aren't you?  They seemed to come one after the other..first being directed at the beads (thank goodness) and 2nd being distracted by me or mom saying something afterward...Jersey Girls aren't all Shore Towns and hairspray, ya know ;)  Though I was never one for hairspray I did have my share of fun "down the shore" but that is not where I learned how to make beads..that's for sure.   I am so glad you like my new designs.  I was a bit worried when I cut back so drastically on the Raku to show more of the dark stoneware but now I am very happy I did.  I cannot wait to see what you have made with them so please be sure to send some photo's my way.   A few exciting things happened at the show and I look forward to sharing them with you as they unfold.
I will blog more about the show and post some photo's but today I just wanted this to be about saying "Hello" and " I am home, this is how I am feeling"...

I have scheduled a little "me time" this afternoon for a long overdue facial and a massage...after letting myself go so much the last 2 1/2 years, after fertility treatments,  the spinal surgery and all that came before and after it - it is time I get myself back into shape if I want to continue doing in a way that I feel comfortable and does not make me take my health for granted as I have done in the's time I got my a** in gear.  Though certain things we cannot prevent from happening, some of our problems as beaders come from living a sedentary lifestyle and loving a craft so much that we put it before ourselves and I am going to try to find a way for me to balance the two so that I can continue doing what I love....I am not one to post progress on things like this.. so  I am going to try and see how things go.. starting with some pampering.. ASAP! ;)

Missing the daily beady hugs I have gotten used to over the last week I wish you happy creating,

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Bead and Button Show here I come........

Ceramic Butterfly Charms
Well it is that time of year again.. The Bead and Button show is now taking place in Milwaukee and I will be arriving there on Tuesday to begin set up for the Bead Show which begins on Thursday evening til' Sunday.  For those of you going to the show for the first time, I am booth 1213 Lisa Peters ART which is the far right wall once you enter the exhibit hall. 

My beads are finally packed in their jewelry cases, which was the first time I could exhale in many, many weeks of manic-bead-creating and now the very arduous task of packing the car I leave to Hank.  I hate that part so I am glad he does it for me.  Mom and I leave Tuesday morning at 6am (we hope) and we  driving straight through, all 14-16 hours of it, so wish us luck.  If you need me you can shoot me an email which I will check on Wednesday morning after I leave or feel free to send me an email to my phone if you would like to get together or if you can't find my booth at the show. Either way I would love to hear from you!

There is a cute article here on Surviving the show that I just found while searching the floor plan...

So what did I make?  Well, If you are a Fan on My Facebook Page you can find a Preview Album here: Bead and Button Preview Album or in an album I have posted on my Flickr account.  (Same photo's both albums)  here are just a few pics..

Assorted Stoneware Components
Ceramic Owl Pendants
Assorted Stoneware Cabochons
Raku Jumbo Cabochons

SHOPPERS GOING TO THE SHOW: For those of you who have been shopping with me at the show you know by now the one problem that I have is overloaded bead trays.  It is the only thing that I have tried to change but for some reason, whatever the reason be it psychological, geographical, logistical or a combination of all of those things.. it is - what it is.  Have patience...  Cabochons will be on one side of my table and beads & buttons on the other.  I will have many trays behind the booth (mostly cabochons) if you are a "Cabby" you know where the "Cabby Chair is" have a seat and you can look through all of those trays.   If you need something in particular.. ASK ME., if you want to know if I have more of what you just found.. ASK ME.   I am taking credit cards, checks and preferably cash.  I am open to billing via Pay Pal if you are an established customer and would also prefer that to credit cards.   Atthe bottom of this blog post is a coupon for you to print out and bring to the show to use towards your purchase.  Please add your name and email on the back for my mailing list if you would like to.

NOT ATTENDING B&B:  I hope one day you can make the show but completely understand how difficult it is to go.  Lets face it - its an expensive trip if you are not local and there is just so much to buy it can be very overwhelming.  I am offering for those of you who cannot make the trip a coupon code for my Etsy Store which will be in effect from June 7th-14th, 2011.  The Coupon Code is: BeadButton and can be used as many times as you would like during those days for 20% your total order! (this cannot be combined with any other discount code) In July I will start packing the D*Stash store with lots of goodies..stay tuned for that announcement on my facebook wall.

I look forward to seeing my beady friends from all around the world!!  Lets have a great show and a fabulous time!  For those of you who cannot make the show this year -- you are in my thoughts and you will certainly be missed...

as always I wish you happy creating......
see ya soon

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Spring Ahead My Foot!

I changed my blog colors to reflect a nice springy - green and maybe Mother Nature will take the hint!   We were doing okay there for a few days and then snow!  Today we were promised 8" or more., but all I see is rain so maybe it is not coming after all...though I do feel for my fellow NJ'ians out west,  rumor has it they received what they were promised!

The anxiety is starting and I am now trying to organize my thoughts and my materials for the upcoming Bead and Button Show in June.  The last few days I said I was going to start working in RAKU clay but just when I was about to open the box the Dark Brown Stoneware starting calling my name.  I am highly addicted to playing with different clays when I should be trying to perfect one -- but that's not going to happen in my can be sure of it!  I am as attention deficit as they come when you start talkin soon as I fall in love with one -- I am on to the other..but enough psychoanalysis for today..   All I know is I see alot of versatility during the next few months.

Etsy will not take a total back seat to this and I am trying to list 2 days a week and ship on Friday's.  The rest will be dedicated to creating in the studio and for those of you who know my routine, watching Netflix movies and documentaries!

I don't think I have anything coming up - publication-wise, if I do., please let me know.   I do believe I will be doing another Trunk Show at Beads Mosaic-Nanuet in May and other than that there is nothing on the calendar for right now!  That will probably change shortly.

So I leave you with this unexciting blog post for today - maybe I will have something a little more exciting to say next week!

Happy Creating!
and please check out the ETSY shop.. lots of new listings went up this morning and more to come this evening!


Monday, November 29, 2010

Is November really almost over?

WOW, I was just trying to figure out my schedule for next month when I realized in 2 days it will be...

As some of you may or may not know I have been very busy with personal things the last month and a half and have not really been active in any of my online groups or my filling my online stores as I usually would be..especially this time of year when that is all that anyone is doing.
The weekend of the Wonderful Soft Flex Bead Show in NYC my Great Aunt had taken ill and was brought to the hospital for a serious medical condition that no one thought would prove to be as fatal as it did and after spending almost 10 days by her side she finally passed and we were devastated.  I grew up with my Great Aunt as much a part of my life as my grandmother and mother and it was a very sad time for all of us.  Shortly after we began the task of taking care of her belongings & her place of residence which took almost three weeks, working very long days to do so that it was done quickly but with respect.  I was basically put in charge of everything, which I did so willingly & with much love and a very heavy heart.. but everything else in my life had to be put on hold while it was being done.  

Before I knew it, Hank had his shoulder operation, and Thanksgiving was almost here and I could not believe how much time had passed since I had felt like I'd even held a bead in my hand!  If it was not for the  Fabulous Trunk Show at Bead Mosaic in Nanuet, I may have gotten a paper route and called it quits! (kidding) Things are finally getting back to normal and I want you all to know that I was so touched by your wonderful emails and messages.  I apologize for not answering any of them as I was completely overwhelmed..and when I tell you I have not answered any of them.. I have NOT.  I hope you can forgive me as I did it as a way to maintain the level of anxiety I would have suffered had I answered them in a rushed or hurried fashion, perhaps not expressing things exactly how I would like to therefore causing more stress and anxiety.  Its just my way of coping.   I hope to be able to answer each of you in the next few weeks.

I am very happy to say that I did get back to the business of Beads a little on Friday and alot today!  If you would like to see what new things were listed in my Etsy Shop please click on this link: Lisa Peters ART Etsy.   If you would like to see what products are on Serious SALE today please click on this link: Lisa Peters DeStash. and if that isn't enough by using the Coupon Code: CyberMonday in any of my Etsy Shops you will receive and additional 10% off your entire order.   It doesn't end there!  Lisa Peters on BIG CARTEL also is having a huge sale on any item in the store.  By using the Coupon Code: THANKS you will receive 25% off your order total!  How's that for a comeback?  I will begin getting back into the groove of daily listings and start opening those jewelry cases filled with beady-goodies for you to use!

I hope things are going to be calm for the next few weeks.  I could use a little calm.  Soon it will be time for me to get back into the studio to begin creating for 2011 and I am looking forward to doing so with a clear head and lots of wonderful ideas that have been swimming around in there even though I was not able to let them out due to my situation.. Ya never know, pain brought forth some phenomenal designs last year.. Maybe I can channel all the emotions I have been feeling the last 2 months into something meaningful for all of us to see.

I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving,
Happy Creating,

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Bead and Button Show - It's finally Here!

In Just a few more hours I leave for the Bead and Button Show in Milwaukee, WI! I cannot believe how much stuff I have -- I thought I would get better at this and it seems as though I am getting more and more unorganized! Here I am, 12:20am doing laundry and have not even sent out a blast email to my customers! I figure if you are going, you know I'm there! Right? Right? Um, right :O uh oh!

So for those of you who are interested I am in Booth 1213 and will be there all week! Just for stopping by my blog I have a special for ya. Here is a coupon good for $5 off your purchase of $50 or more at my table! (at the bottom of this blog post or also available on my Facebook FAN Page!) Just print the coupon and bring it with you!

I will try very hard to keep my booth organized and pretty -- but simple when it comes to my beads is not one of my strong points! Please tell me if you are looking for anything in particular because I have so much stuff that will be stashed behind the curtain (literally.. there is a curtain and behind it is where I stash stuff! ) or under the table! Just make yourself at home behind my booth and take your time!

So here we go again! I look forward to seeing you all and Look forward to meeting some of you for the first time. I will have my computer with me so I can check emails at night when I get back to my room, so please send me a message if you need something! Driving in 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Save The Date!

Hi Everyone!
I just wanted to let you know about my next show! May 21,22 and 23, 2010 in New York City! Yay, I don't have to pay for hotel... I'm so happy! I will not be at the show personally on May 22 from 12pm on. I have a personal event that I have to attend. I will be there on Friday and Sunday!

My Mother (Dona) and My Husband (Hank) will be there on Saturday alone (GULP), so if you have any questions you need to ask me or if you have to discuss my product or process you will have to try to see me on Friday or Sunday or please email me. If there are any questions that you need answered on the spot have them call me!

Closer to the date I will be emailing a coupon to use at my booth lisa peters ART.

Stay tuned,

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Creative Jewelry is Right!

Creative Jewelry 2009 featured alot of great designs by alot of wonderful designers! It was alot of fun to play the "I know who made that bead" without peeking at the answers game while looking through the pages.. Do you do that too?
I had recieved a few emails regarding a stoneware piece I created that Jane Dickerson purchased from me a year ago. It was the only one I had ever made of this particular piece (gee, how unlike me) and I was really excited to see how it came out.. I had to rush out an get a copy of the mag and am really pleased with the results! The Stoneware Crescent shape was hard to make, Jane did a fantastic job on Rich Earth, I really love this and the piece that was shown on the opposite page entitled Sleepy Trees was really cool too!

For the customers who did request via email the Crescent Shape Pendant, thank you so much and I should have a handful of them created by this October (cross fingers please!). To my blog followers if you would like a piece like the crescent shown in the magazine please let me know in advance or I will show my progress on & the regular venues!

I am back from the Lake Ontario, picking vegetables from the garden and making lots of soup! When the laundry is done and the Lake Gear all put away I'm getting that clay bag out! I found lots of good textures waiting for me at some garage sales over the weekend and they are just itching to be pushed into some new buttons & beads!

Til Next time!

Friday, June 12, 2009

Bead & Button 2009 is over, see ya next year!

Hello everyone! ( all 3 of you who read my blog! LOL) Bead and Button Show is finally over! The drive to Milwaukee, WI with Mom was not so terrible. The ride lasted 16 hours but that was because Mom likes to drink coffee... alot of coffee, which means, she likes to stop for bathroom breaks ALL THE TIME! It was fine, we left a day early and my set up is very simple so we had alot of extra time to chill out. The show began with a BANG, Thursday Preview night was fabulous and Friday was just as good. Saturday was really slow, slower than I had imagined "slow" would be like at B & B and Sunday only a wee bit better! I love being there so even the slow days are ok, but I would have really loved it to be 4 days of Thursday night repeats! I am going back again next year, I have handed in my contract and that will decide my future at B & B. The show is so fantastic to be a part of and I hope I can continue being a part as long as I can. It was wonderful seeing the winners of the Bead Dreams Competition were some people I knew, especially a BAO sister, Janice from Naftali. It was very sad to see the lack of a variety of materials aside from those mixed in with Seed Beads and especially sad to see almost no representation of buttons. If there was I am sorry I missed it. I sometimes wonder if my next subscription the word Button may disappear entirely as it gets smaller and smaller with each issue.
I had so much fun meeting "in person" Mary Lou Holvenstot from She is such a wonderful person to know over the net, and in person just as wonderful! Mom and I were very happy to have Heather Powers from Humblebeads stay with us on Friday night and tell us all about the Bead Cruise and her creations! I believe we have to say things like this nowadays, due to the nature of how we meet so many fascinating people via our computers. I am always describing how much I adore a good friend of mine only to then say, but we have never met face to face. I am happy when I hear that is becoming part of the norm! What did people do before they could meet their creative soul mates from way accross the country or accross the globe?

I displayed beautiful pieces created by Carol Dean Sharpe of SandFibers, Mary Lou Holvenstot from Time2cre8, Grace Danel from Grace Beading and Linda Themer from Textured Turtle. I also brought along Marsha Hedricks, Amazing Porcelain Beads alot of which were featured in Beads 2009! My favorite has to be the jointed teddy bear...if only you could see this piece in person you would just fall in love! The pieces created for the show by the artists I mentioned were such an integral part of my being able to sell my cabochons (large cabochons) that I truly owe them a commission on every sale! Potential buyers, who moved on from trays of pendants to cabs, wondered, "why dont these pieces have bails?" and all I had to do was point and the gasps began. (see photo of MOM) I cannot thank you enough ladies for supporting me in the way you have over the last few months (even years) What is most amazing is how each piece, using the same materials had totally unique outcomes. They were absolutely amazing and I love you all so much for spending the hours that were necessary to complete such wonderful works! Please check out the artists websites, blogs & accounts to see these works in all stages of developement and I too will have photographs posted everywhere I can! My dear friend, Linda Themer was going through a very rough time as I was preparing for this show and I wish I could have been more supportive (email/phone call-wise) during this time, as she was very supportive to me when she assisted me in 2008 Bead and Button Show! Thanks for your understanding Linda! and people LOVE your Rusty Turtle Fabric!
To all the people I met this year at B & B for the first time, it was a pleasure to meet you and thank you for your purchases! To all the people who could not attend, I will begin stocking my ETSY shop next week, which I let run out prior to the show so I could have all new inventory! There are a few trunk shows in the works for different parts of the country which I will let you all know about as soon as they are "written in stone" so if you are local you can stop by and see the pieces in person! To B & B Faculty a BIG THANKS for sharing my pieces with your students and vice versa, that is always wonderful to hear that my work gets a thumbs up from "gals in groups". And lastly, Lisa finally bought a little kiln! So custom orders may be do-a-ble! And if I get my way Cone 10 & PMC Metal Clays will be added to the lisapetersART mix as well.. lets see how adventurous I become! Til then, I should be back to blogging next week, please check out Facebook & Flickr for photo updates and Thanks again for your constant encouragement and support - it really means alot! I'm back, Lisa